Windstream offers various convenient methods to pay your monthly bill. Be it your Windstream Internet or Phone bill, you can pick any given method and pay your bills by the due date mentioned on the invoice. Late payment may result in additional charges that will reflect on your next bill.

Here are some of the easiest ways to pay your Windstream bill:

Pay Windstream Bill Over the Phone

You can pay your monthly Windstream bill over the phone by contacting Windstream customer service at 1-800-347-1991. You can also call Windstream customer service in case you have any billing queries, and can freely talk to a representative about your concerns. Moreover, their Account support team is available round the clock to assist you.

Pay Windstream Bill In-Person

Windstream has several retail stores in various locations where you can go to pay your monthly bill. Click here to find the nearest Windstream store in your zip. However, if you don’t come across an official Windstream retail store in your area, then you can pay your bill at an authorized payment location near you.

Pay Your Windstream Bill By Mail

To make it more convenient for you, Windstream allows to you pay your monthly bill via mail too. Just make sure that the payment is delivered in the form of a check or a money order well before your due date, so it can be received on time. You can mail your payment to:


P.O Box 9001908

Louisville, KY 40290-1908

Pay Windstream Bill Online (H2)

Now, you can pay your Windstream bill online from the comfort of your house. Go completely paperless and receive and pay your bills through the Go Kinetic online portal. To sign up or make a payment, click here. You can also download the Go Kinetic App from Apple App Store or Google Play store and manage your bills and kinetic account through the app.

Wrapping up

Paying a bill with Windstream is never a tough job. With so many options available, you only need to pick one per your convenience and pay your monthly bill in time. So, forget about surpassing the due date and get in touch with Windstream now.